Aidan's entry into this world
Just a word of caution, this is a very long entry and may not be for the faint of heart as I am going to describe Aidan’s birthing experience. I thought that I should write down in detail so that I can share it with him when he grows up =)
It all began on in the wee hours of
· I ate a light lunch
· Continued to time the sporadic contractions
· Contractions seem to be getting stronger but still unsure
· Went out for a walk at the
· Rylee meets Buddy and they chase after one another along the beach.
· I was so engrossed in watching Rylee play with Buddy that I completely missed a big pothole while walking. I ended falling on my left elbow and then onto my knees. Thank goodness, my big belly was the last thing to go down…
· I felt so embarrassed and worried at the same time.
· Vince felt that it was time to go into the hospital to check things out just in case.
19:16-19:30 While driving to the hospital, we saw a little dog running loose on
The contractions now spread all through my back and then to the front of my abdomen. It’s like having really, really, really bad menstrual cramps for about 90 secs. and then it stops for a bit….and starts all over again. I was able to breathe through the contractions and also meditate on Psalm 23 and 1 Peter 5:7.
By now, I was not a happy camper b/c I wanted to be in the birthing room as I felt ready to push but other patients kept on getting rooms ahead of me since it was my first time delivery and they thought that I would labour for a long time.
I told Vince to tell the nurses that if they don’t get to that darn room soon, I am giving birth right here and now. I didn’t want to push until I was given an OK or else I would be in a lot of pain….
Finally, a nurse arrives and puts me into the wheelchair to get upstairs into one of the Cedar rooms (which is the nicest rooms available in the hospital). We prayed for this room and we got it! God is sooo good =)
My nurse, Nikki, asked me to go pee while they set up the room and while I tried to pee, I felt as though the baby’s head was ready to pop out any minute. I told them that I am ready to PUSH but she still needed to check how dilated I was…and sure enough, I was at 10cm. We need a doctor!!
Vince set up the laptop with the songs that I selected to listen to, and he even got the scented candle lit to set a more relaxing birthing experience.
After a few pushes, baby’s head was already there! All I had to do was push some more but not too fast as Dr. Gupta was warning me loud and clear that if I pushed too hard then I would TEAR BIG time so I tried to listen as much as I could. It really does feel like you are constipated and you need to get a big piece of poo out…. Hee.heeee…
As painful as it was, I was remembering that with each push and with each contraction, I was closer to meeting my baby so I stayed focused.
Within ten more mins. of hard labour, out came Baby Chan. I faintly remember them telling me that it was BOY!! They placed him on me right away for skin to skin contact and the first I saw was Aidan’s head full of hair. Wow!! It’s over…
Or not…they had to the placenta out and then stitch me up at I tore to the second degree. I was still in so much pain that they decided to now give me so laughing gas. I didn’t feel like laughing, though… =)
I was losing a lot of blood and a young, female Asian Medical Student Intern wearing Lululemon headband was about to stick me with a huge IV drip but Dr. Gupta stopped her in the nick of time saying: “STOP, she’s okay now”. Phew………that IV looked huge and I didn’t trust that girl one bit to stick it into me. I would have much rather have had Vince do it than her…
Praise God for such a speedy and natural delivery!

amazing~ im glad you and aidan were safe!! =)
tehehe..."like taking a big poop" eh?.... =D
- jess
it was great reading this! i couldn't help but laugh when i read about how vince had to put on surgical gloves to feel your cervix. i guess it's convenient to have a hubby as a nurse! :)
hope you're doing better these days. thanks for those tips!
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