Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
weekend full of fun, fun, fun!
This past weekend, I was able to have some fun....
Sat: I woke up at around 9am and stayed in my PJs until 12:30pm as I cleaned the house, read, washed a lot of baby clothes and cloth diapers (to get ready for baby chan's soon arrival), and just hung out with the dogs. I then went to Richmond and experienced for the very first time: hand-detailed car wash. Even though I had to wait for almost an hour, it was worth the trip as close to ten people came to wash the car. It was a drive-thru service and all these Chinese people would come one station at a time to clean....the first guy cleaned the rims, and then another two came to hose and scrub down the car. Thirdly, I slowly drove through the wax sprinkling system and afterwards, I had to leave so that a few others can get into the car to vacuum, and clean the inside. I was escorted to the cashier to pay $20 for the car wash, and then I watched two more guys wipe down the car so that it was sparkling clean. I was amazed at how efficient these people considering how long the line up was. It was definitely an interesting experience but I don't think that I could afford getting it done on a regular basis.
Sun: I began my day with Hatha yoga, then I went to church with Valerie. We had lunch afterwards at Mui Garden and were able to catch up on each other's lives! Then I rushed home at 3ish to get ready for babysitting the Burtchett's three girls: Alisha (10), Chelsey (8), and Mikayla (3). Vince and I took care of the girls while their parents and brothers went off to the Vancouver Giants' game. We made it more of a special occasion this time around b/c it was Chelsey's birthday! We took them to White Spot and they all ordered my all time favourite: Pirate Packs!! We even let them order milkshakes!!! Needless to say, it was a ton of fun and it gave us a brief glimpse of what parenting looks like. Oh yeah, I also forgot to mention that they also brought over their duck-tolling retriever, Terra! (so not only did I have a lot of fun, so did Milo and Rylee).

And the countdown continues, I have about 7 more weeks to go until my due date!! I don't know why but I have a gut feeling that he/she might be early. I feel almost ready, though! The nursery is almost complete and everything is in order. The stressful part right now is the waiting part and also picking a name that is meaningful! Any suggestions?