December Celebrations

*Vince's 29th Birthday. On Dec. 5th, we celebrated Vince's
Birthday with some of his fave people, dogs and food: Winyee, Brian, Lucia, Milo, Rylee, 3 large pizzas, smirnoff ice, and a specialty Pineapple Bun/Cake aka po low pow (in cantonese). Win and Bean had the huge pineapple bun made by one of their baker friends! Vince was definitely surprised by the immensity of the bun...

Want some pineapple bun?

*Chrissy's 28th Birthday. What an amazing job Keith and Christine did in throwing a one-of-a kind, Hawaiian Murder Mystery Party. Their place was totally re-decorated with bright Hawaiian colours, candles, a tiki bar, and lots of fresh fruit. Even Solly had a lei on. My favourite was of course, my Beachside Shoppe, where I got to act like a crazy woman (as though that is not like my real self, huh?). Happy Birthday, Chrissy!
*Baby Chan is 6 months (24 weeks) today! Yeah, just 16 more weeks to go and our lives will forever be changed. Baby Chan is about 1.5 lbs and measures about 8.5 inches from crown to rump. He/She is now producing white blood cells to fight infection, and can even recognize my voice. Vince and I have been reading to baby and I enjoy the bonding time between us! It's great that I'm teacher because I have so many books already. One of the best parts thus far is feeling the kicking or punching. Yesterday, Vince was bugging and poking baby that he/she decided to give him a BIG kick back. That was quite funny! I've also been going to prenatal yoga with Ghis at Semperviva and it's great to finally implement some form of exercise back into my life. I decided not to run just to be cautious and that is one of those things that I miss the most. I've been trying not to worry about my some questions randomly pop up like: "will baby be healthy?", "will the delivery be super long and painful?", and "will everything be alright?". I panic and then I constantly remind myself that God is the One who is ultimately in charge... I need to wholly trust in His Grace and Goodness. I'm reminded of one of my favourite Bible verses that I would like to share with you...
"If God gives such attention to the appearance of wildflowers—most of which are never even seen—don't you think he'll attend to you, take pride in you, do his best for you? What I'm trying to do here is to get you to relax, to not be so preoccupied with getting, so you can respond to God's giving. People who don't know God and the way he works fuss over these things, but you know both God and how he works. Steep your life in God-reality, God-initiative, God-provisions. Don't worry about missing out. You'll find all your everyday human concerns will be met."
Matthew 6:30 (The Message)
That's a huge bun! Wow, can't believe you're more than halfway past your pregnancy. It goes by so fast, doesn't it? He/she kicking back is funny... I guess they have to learn to defend themselves at an early age! ;)
so what? three more months?? and it's kicking already?? that's crazy!!! maybe you should enroll s/he into a soccer team for newborns. :D
i wana feel kicky!!
take care of yourself! and baby chan! :)
... i cant believe it's been 6 months alreaddyy hehehe
i'm excited for you guys... you guys will make AWESOME parents =)
*big hugs!*
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